Emma Deangela
   Best-Selling Author
   Alkaline Diet & Weight Loss Coach
   Empowered over 100,000 readers to regain their health
   Clients from over 15+ countries
Success Stories
Disclaimer: Please note that results may vary between different members due to differences in individual exercise history, genetics, age, sex, personal motivation and other factors.

Holly S.

Your assessment has guided me to make better choices. I didn’t really know which foods are Alkaline or Acidic. So thank you for that, it makes me feel better that I am not contributing to my Acid Reflux condition. I do feel better, so thank you.

Traci P.

I have tried EVERYTHING. All kinds of diets, I walk 5-6 times a day for about 30-40 minutes and I eat a lot of protein. I’m not a fruit eater and it is hard to eat vegetables with my family. My doctor cannot even figure out why I cannot lose weight. But after following your recommendations and assessment, I started to lose weight, and now I’m 21 lbs lighter. Thank you so much!

Judy W.

Being acidic is killing my sex life. I have no sex drive, no interest. I’m 59 years old female. I tried prescription vaginal cream and testosterone, they didn’t work at all, in fact, I gained weight. It’s only when I start on an alkaline lifestyle based on your advice that I started to lose weight have feel more positive about myself, sex and life.

Shelly R.

I have been using these fantastic greens for one month and have already seen improvement in my health. The most dramatic improvement is in my sleep. Prior to using the greens I would frequently wake up during the night and be awake for up to two hours. Now most nights I sleep solid for 7 hours or more. Also my arthritis has improved so I have decreased my Advil in half. I look forward to even more health benefits.

Renee S.

I have way more energy and I see it in how much I have been doing at home and at work. Before I was dragging and scattered - I just felt like I could not get it together - everything took so long to do. Sometimes I would find myself sitting and having to think my way through the next task. Now, it is like old times. Today I zoomed through the day, cleaned the whole house, washed all of the clothes, cleaned my kitchen and refrigerator, cleaned the aquarium, payed my bills, took out the trash, fixed the gate, moved the patio furniture, planted cabbage in my garden, wow! Like, I still have time - I got all of that done and it is not even 7:00 pm!

Brenda H.

I am so grateful that you keep posting so many great truths on dietary truth. My health has improved so much this past year. You have made a difference in so many lives. Thank you.

Cyndy E.

I'm indeed very grateful to come in contact to such a loving and caring person like you. Since the day I asked for the treatment of high acidity, you brought me to the knowledge of changing my foods to alkaline foods which you gave me a list of them. I just started the new lifestyle two days ago and I'm seeing a tremendous change as to the heart burn I used to have has reduced. Aching muscles gone and i'm now having a bowel movement everyday. I know I'm expecting much improvement as I follow your guide. May the Lord Almighty Grant you more wisdom. Thank you.
Your Body Acidity Assessment Report

Created for: densmi@yahoo.com
Date created: 2020-06-03 12:17:59
Assessment ID: 5ed7cd12a6c5b
Link to assessment: http://alkalinefoods.net/acidicquiz5acnew/?assessmentID=5ed7cd12a6c5b

Part 1: Your Current State of Health

a) You have indicated that you are suffering from...

- High Blood Pressure
- Arthritis
- Type II Diabetes
- Back Pain
- Overweight
- One or more digestive issues
- You have lack of energy and feeling sluggish
- You have difficulty falling asleep

Now here are my thoughts based on the information you provided...

Based on the information you have provided, your current body's pH level is highly acidic. If you have been suffering from High Blood Pressure, Arthritis, Type II Diabetes, Back Pain for quite some time, having an highly acidic pH level could be the main reason behind it.

These are lifestyle diseases that are caused or aggravated by excess acidity in your body.

Contrary to most treatments modern medicine offer today, we look at "the whole picture" rather than just the symptoms, in order to fully understand what's going on in your body.

While drugs/medications may temporarily relieve or mask these symptoms you are experiencing, they do not treat the root cause of the disease.

The worst thing is the long term side effects you may experience after taking these drugs.

A better way to reverse these diseases or illnesses is by addressing the root cause of your health issues, and allowing the body to repair and heal from within.

On top of that, based on the information you have provided, you have a weak digestive system. Digestive problem like constipation is a symptom that indicates that the nutrients from your food are not absorbed well into your body.

Even if you are eating healthily, most of the minerals are excreted due to poor absorption. Your gut cannot function efficiently when it is deficient in these essential minerals, leading to a downward spiral of poor digestion.

Part 2: How pH Works and Why It Matters?

A high-acid diet is usually the underlying reason of acidic pH level but it can also be caused by your lifestyle (smoking, sleeping late at night, sitting for long hours), negative emotions (anger, stress, anxiety, depression), and even the air you are breathing in.

You see, the pH of your blood is tightly controlled by a complex buffering system (your lungs, kidneys, bones) to keep it at a range between 7.35 to 7.45. 

When excess acidity accumulates in your body, your buffering system will try to bring your body's pH back to the healthy range.

And when your diet and lifestyle forces your blood to be at the acidic end of the spectrum, you increase the amount of stress to your buffering system.

Normally your buffering system gets the minerals from what you eat.

But what if there are insufficient alkalizing minerals in your diet?

What if your digestive system is not able to absorb the nutrients?

What if your diet is so acidic that your buffering system requires a lot of alkalizing minerals?

In order to still maintain your body's pH, your buffering system now robs the alkalizing minerals from your organs and tissues to neutralize the acid wastes. Your bones, joints, tissues or some other parts of your body will be deprived of these minerals.

As a result, your body will be susceptible to an increase risk in free radicals in your body. Free radicals are highly reactive molecule that interact and destroy healthy cells.

The chief danger comes from the damage when free radicals react with important cellular components such as DNA, altering or even destroying the cell integrity. They can attack anywhere and everywhere - your arteries, your joints, your bones, your digestive system and more.

In the next page, you'll learn about a nutrient that can protect your body against these free radicals -
=> A Super Nutrient That Alkalize & Protect Your Body Against Diseases and Illnesses

Part 3: Your Problem is...

You indicated with your responses that...

- You suffer from frequent aches and pains
- Your skin usually feels dry and dehydrated
- You have difficulties moving bowels every day

Now here are my thoughts based on the information you have provided...

You indicated that your skin feels dry and dehydrated, which is a sign that your body lacks essential antioxidants - that are responsible for fighting dangerous and harmful free radicals.

Based on what you have indicated, your diet consists of mainly grains, fruits, meat, vegetables, dairy, and there is a deficiency of alkalizing minerals present in those foods to repair, alkalize and heal your body naturally.

As a result, alkalizing minerals from your kidneys and bones are used to neutralize the excess acids from your diet.

Without these essential alkalizing minerals, your immune system is severely compromised.

That is why the very first step is to include more alkalizing and natural superfoods every day.

Next, based on our research, we have found a super nutrient that can restore your acid-alkaline balance, hyper-boost your immune system and protect your body from illnesses, diseases and even cancer.

This is the same nutrient that the Okinawan centenarians are taking every day to live longer and healthier. My trusted colleague and nutritionist, Laura Lindsey, will be sharing with you this nutrient here - The super nutrient that dramatically strengthens your immune system and helps you live longer.

Part 4: Here's what you should do next -

1) Classify the foods you eat into Acidic or Alkalizing foods and record them down in a food journal for a couple of weeks.

The way we measure the acid-alkaline impact of a food is different from what you learned in elementary chemistry. We measure by the quantity and amount of the alkalizing minerals that the food contain.

To assist you with the journal, I have prepared a FREE Acid Alkaline Food Chart tomorrow. This chart will help you classify which foods are acidic and which foods are alkalizing. Do keep a lookout in your email.

2) I would highly recommend you to watch this documentary on why Okinawans don't get cancer - The Okinawan's secret to live longer, healthier and free from diseases.

3) Check your email as we are going to send you more information-packed Alkaline Newsletters and tips to lose weight naturally and alkalize your body!

After Reading Your Assessment, Click 'Play' Below To Discover the Super Nutrient Your Immune System Needs...

play video

All transactions are secured via a 128 bit encrypted SSL connection. Your transaction is completely discrete and confidential. We hate spam and take your privacy very seriously. ©2015 AlkalineFoods.net. All Rights Reserved.

My best wishes to your health,

Emma Deangela


Dam-ampai SO J, Nilnond C. Effect of cattle manure and dolomite on soil properties and plant growth in acid upland soils. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technologh. 2005;27(supplement 3):727-737.

Ströhle A, Hahn A, Sebastian A. Estimation of the diet-dependent net acid load in 229 worldwide historically studied hunter-gatherer societies. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2010;91(2): 406-412.

Sebastian A, Frassetto LA, Sellmeyer DE, Merriam RL, Morris RC., Jr. Estimation of the net acid load of the diet of ancestral preagricultural Homo sapiens and their hominid ancestors. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2002;76(6):1308-1316.

Frassetto L, Morris, Jr. R.C. RC, Jr., Sellmeyer DE, Todd K, Sebastian A. Diet, evolution and aging—the pathophysiologic effects of the post-agricultural inversion of the potassium-to-sodium and base-to- chloride ratios in the human diet. European Journal of Nutrition. 2001;40(5):200-213.

Lindeman RD, Goldman R. Anatomic and physiologic age changes in the kidney. Experimental Gerontology. 1986;21(4-5):379-406.

Reddy ST, Wang CY, Sakhaee K, Brinkley L, Pak CY. Effect of low-carbohydrate high-protein diets on acid-base balance, stone-forming propensity, and calcium metabolism. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2002;40(2):265-274.

Malov YS, Kulikov AN. Bicarbonate deficiency and duodenal ulcer. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv. 1998;70(2): 28-32.

Ohman H, Vahlquist A. In vivo studies concerning a pH gradient in human stratum corneum and upper epidermis. Acta Dermato-Venereologica. 1994;74(5):375-379.

Ferris DG, Francis SL, Dickman ED, Miler-Miles K, Waller JL, McClendon N. Variability of vaginal pH determination by patients and clinicians. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2006;19(4): 368-373.

Remer T, Manz F. Estimation of the renal net acid excretion by adults consuming diets containing variable amounts of protein. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1994;59(6):1356-1361.

Emma Deangela
   Best-Selling Author
   Alkaline Diet & Weight Loss Coach
   Empowered over 100,000 readers to regain their health
   Clients from over 15+ countries
Success Stories
Disclaimer: Please note that results may vary between different members due to differences in individual exercise history, genetics, age, sex, personal motivation and other factors.

Holly S.

Your assessment has guided me to make better choices. I didn’t really know which foods are Alkaline or Acidic. So thank you for that, it makes me feel better that I am not contributing to my Acid Reflux condition. I do feel better, so thank you.

Traci P.

I have tried EVERYTHING. All kinds of diets, I walk 5-6 times a day for about 30-40 minutes and I eat a lot of protein. I’m not a fruit eater and it is hard to eat vegetables with my family. My doctor cannot even figure out why I cannot lose weight. But after following your recommendations and assessment, I started to lose weight, and now I’m 21 lbs lighter. Thank you so much!

Judy W.

Being acidic is killing my sex life. I have no sex drive, no interest. I’m 59 years old female. I tried prescription vaginal cream and testosterone, they didn’t work at all, in fact, I gained weight. It’s only when I start on an alkaline lifestyle based on your advice that I started to lose weight have feel more positive about myself, sex and life.

Shelly R.

I have been using these fantastic greens for one month and have already seen improvement in my health. The most dramatic improvement is in my sleep. Prior to using the greens I would frequently wake up during the night and be awake for up to two hours. Now most nights I sleep solid for 7 hours or more. Also my arthritis has improved so I have decreased my Advil in half. I look forward to even more health benefits.

Renee S.

I have way more energy and I see it in how much I have been doing at home and at work. Before I was dragging and scattered - I just felt like I could not get it together - everything took so long to do. Sometimes I would find myself sitting and having to think my way through the next task. Now, it is like old times. Today I zoomed through the day, cleaned the whole house, washed all of the clothes, cleaned my kitchen and refrigerator, cleaned the aquarium, payed my bills, took out the trash, fixed the gate, moved the patio furniture, planted cabbage in my garden, wow! Like, I still have time - I got all of that done and it is not even 7:00 pm!

Brenda H.

I am so grateful that you keep posting so many great truths on dietary truth. My health has improved so much this past year. You have made a difference in so many lives. Thank you.

Cyndy E.

I'm indeed very grateful to come in contact to such a loving and caring person like you. Since the day I asked for the treatment of high acidity, you brought me to the knowledge of changing my foods to alkaline foods which you gave me a list of them. I just started the new lifestyle two days ago and I'm seeing a tremendous change as to the heart burn I used to have has reduced. Aching muscles gone and i'm now having a bowel movement everyday. I know I'm expecting much improvement as I follow your guide. May the Lord Almighty Grant you more wisdom. Thank you.