See how the red blood cells look like stacks of coins piled against each other. They are stuck in huge masses, squashed flat, and look ‘dead’...

They are not supposed to look like that.

They are supposed to be separated from each other...
nice and round, floating around the blood, transporting oxygen, and this is not happening here.

The blood is so ACIDIC that they are trying to protect themselves...

You can see the cells are round and full… Each cell floats freely and they aren’t stuck together. They are able to transport oxygen and other important minerals and nutrients more efficiently.
These Are Blood Samples
From The Same Woman…

Her name is Lynn.
She came to me frustrated and angry…

….because even though she felt exhausted all the time..

Suffer from bloated tummy and gas,

Had high blood pressure and diabetes..

And even suffer from constant bout of excruciating pain in her knees and lower back… after doctor kept telling her “you’ll be fine if you continue taking the medications” and that there was “nothing wrong” with her.

And that it was “all in her mind”.

But when I showed her what her blood looked like and why she felt the way she did…

...and more importantly, what she could do about it…

Her blood went from looking like this

I told her what she needed to do, how it would take no more than 2 minutes a day… and she would continue to reverse ALL the ailments she was suffering from.

Now, here’s what she says…

I feel great. I feel young again! No more embarrassing burps and gas after a meal.

My doctor is shocked at my new BP and blood sugar readings and have taken me off the meds.

I’m finally able to walk for a mile without any pain. I wake up rested, full of energy and it stays that way the entire day.

And I’ve also lost 10 pounds, without needing to starve myself, or start a new workout regimen!

Now, she’s just one of the many people I’ve been able to help, by addressing the true cause of pain, fatigue, illness, disease and infection.
I’m Emma Deangela
and I’ll be sharing this secret with you.

And by watching this presentation till the very end, you will discover:

How You Can Use This Secret To Rid Yourself Of ANY Ailment Or Disease You, Or A Loved One, Is Suffering From Right Now…

My health has been restored to an amazing level. I lost 4 inches and 12 pounds in just 1 month! Ken

Your information is superb and I am winning people over with your ideas. Monica

I now go everyday or twice a day. No more constipation! Terry

I have more energy during the day and don't seem to get the fuzzy brain , that sometime happens when you aren't eating right and I don't feel tied around 3pm .... I am sleeping well and I don't get the sugar cravings that I used to get each day. Wendy
Even the most severe and “incurable” ones that doctors have turned their back on...

... and become completely disease free for the rest of your life.

And yes... I mean it when I say any illness, infection, or disease..

In fact, even though this may sound impossible now, after you watched this entire presentation and do what it says...

…like thousands of deeply grateful people have before you…

...your doctor, friends and family will be shocked at the staggering recovery your body goes through, almost overnight.

Even the most severe and “incurable” ones that doctors have turned their back on...

... and become completely disease free for the rest of your life.

And yes... I mean it when I say any illness, infection, or disease..

How suddenly, tumors and cancer cells can begin to melt away..

...and how asthma sufferers can suddenly feel that they are taking their first deep breath in decades…

How clogged and hardened arteries suddenly become as smooth as Teflon and toned as an athlete’s…

and how suddenly, you find relief from debilitating, deep, and throbbing arthritic pain in your joints, lower back, and knee…

And that’s just to name a few incredible results…

I’m going to teach you the secret in just a second, but before I do,

...I Need To Talk About The
Big Medical Lie That’s Keeping You, Your Family, Or Dear Friend Held Hostage To Illnesses, Pain And Diseases.

And I think you’ll see why I feel it’s my duty to share it with you. Especially after you hear about

How a man who was diagnosed with gout, acid reflux, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity lost 25 pounds in just 3 months…. Improved his cholesterol numbers and blood pressure, and started to notice his heartburn and gout gone. His doctor has even removed his medications permanently.

A 87 year old diabetic granny, who have been fitted 5 stents in her heart, saw an improvement in her insulin readings, enjoys a deeper and more restful sleep, and is now as sharp as a tack with a stronger heart…

Or how an ex-CIA agent who had undergone spine surgeries, hypoglycemia and lymphoma cancer lost 21 pounds and 4 inches in just 1 month, can now walk a mile without pain, saw ‘old age spots’ completely disappear and his cancer in remission…
Not to mention the people who have eliminated fatigue, digestion problems, and aches and pains they thought was “just part of getting older”.

And all without drugs or surgery.
What I’ll be sharing can mean the difference between life and death.

But just a fair warning: you might be ANGERED when you hear about how the medical community and BIG PHARMA, have lobbied to prevent this information from getting out.
The big lie is that a cure for the most debilitating and fatal diseases today can only be treated with medical drugs and surgery…

…and that any natural cure doesn’t exist.
As I’m Going To Prove To You
In Just A Minute, A Natural, Inexpensive, Non-Chemical And Non-Toxic Solution Does In
Fact Exist.
It certainly sounded unbelievable to me when I was going through the hundreds of case studies of healing miracles.

The truth is...

…your body already has the amazing power to defend, neutralize, and kill any harmful germ, virus, bacteria or dysfunction.

And anyone can release this miraculous healing power for themselves, naturally and easily — which is what your body already wants to do…

…by using this one powerful, safe, natural and ABUNDANT nutrient.

In fact, after thousands of documented medical case studies dating back to the 1900s reveal that…

…there is one simple fact that, once you accept it, will allow you to reverse any illness, and disease-proof your body.

Okay, this is going to sound unbelievable to you.

And it was still unbelievable when I personally saw it cure illnesses doctors said were “Incurable”.

There is a reason why some people, and even entire cultures manage to live their entire lives without debilitating illnesses...

...while Americans are regarded as the most medicated, overweight country in the world,

And this has nothing to do with their genes or how much they are exercising...

And it certainly doesn’t have anything to do with the level of medical technology they had.

Sure, there were a few “extreme cases” I’ve seen and read about, like being on the verge of death, that took longer to fully recover back to living a full, even athletic life again...
...but all medical case studies revealed that the reason why any disease heals was because of one secret method they have been practising.
Remember Lynn’s blood in the beginning?
The sole difference between her blood looking like this
…was the pH level of her blood.

That was all I did to create that miraculous transformation for her.

I know this sounds too simple, but every documented case study of a dramatic healing I studied… and every client I taught this therapy to...

the story was the same.

Plain and simple, the big secret to defend against the threats that exist today and even reverse them... to alkalize your cells in a way that makes it IMPOSSIBLE for bacteria, cancer or any virus to live…

…and to create an almost miraculous recovery and immunity to any disease,

especially the diseases that are killing us in record numbers today.
Especially The Diseases That
Are Killing Us In Record
Numbers Today.

As you know, your blood surrounds all your organs. And your blood cells carry nutrients, minerals and oxygen to each of your organs.

Without healthy blood, your cells shrivel up, move through your body like sludge, and bring your metabolism to a crawl.

Just like the sick and unhealthy blood you saw earlier.

When your metabolism comes to a standstill,

All the toxins, fats and sludge are still stubbornly stuck in your body….

And your body starts to accelerate the aging process.

Many people in the US today, have an INTERNAL metabolic age that is 5 - 20 years HIGHER than their actual age.

In other words, a typical 30 year old is, on the inside, 35 - 55 years old.

And after a period of time, what’s happening on the inside, starts to show up on the outside.
Now, Here’s Where The Penny Really Drops.

You see...the fact is that most disease-causing germs cannot live in an alkaline blood environment of between pH 7.35 - 7.45!

Wherever your blood is alkaline, harmful bacteria and viruses are killed.

At the same time, healthy cells survive and multiply more rapidly, resulting in a 'dramatic boost to your immune system.

According to a study published in the Austin Journal of Cancer and Clinical Research,

Researchers found that at an acidic pH of 6.5, the breast cancer cells were able to grow and multiply.

As the pH becomes more alkaline,

And reaches pH 8.3,

The percentage of breast cancer cells dropped dramatically,

Because cancer cells cannot survive in an alkaline environment.

It doesn’t stop here.

The European Journal of Anaesthesiology did a study on 253 patients who suffered from heart disease.

In this startling study, the researchers found that

Patients who died in the ICU had significantly lower pH level in their arteries than those who survived.

This means that those who survived had a more alkaline pH in their blood vessel.

In fact, when you learn how to alkalize your body,

it’s easy to stimulate white blood cell production, which turns your immune system into a powerhouse, ready and equipped to destroy any enemy, harmful germs, viruses or bacteria once they enter your body, And at the same time,

Increase the efficiency of antioxidants so you can slow down the aging process and prevent the breakdown of collagen,

which melts wrinkles off your skin and keeps it as firm and youthful as a child’s.

Destroy all forms of cancer cells by inhibiting their growth,

And reduce the inflammation in your body, which eliminates pain.

It Is The Holy Grail As Far As Healing Is Concerned.

Its potent abilities still finds its way into mainstream culture. I’m not just referring to the celebrities such as when Elle Macpherson says…

I noticed changes in just two weeks: I had more vitality, my skin wasn’t dry, I stopped craving sugar, my mood stabilised, everything became more balanced. A welcome by-product was losing weight around my middle.

Or Kelly Ripa, an actress and talk show host, who suffers from some “strange injuries”, says

It’s an antacid, like high-alkaline cleanse, and it has changed my life. And I swear, I think it’s responsible for me not being in pain.

Kate Hudson has also said in an interview with People magazine….

I live by a rule book of eating alkaline

And Mark Ruffalo who started an alkaline cleanse during the filming of The Avengers says,

I feel so great I never want to go back.
No, it’s not just these celebrities and many more who thoroughly endorse it, that proved its healing abilities.

It is institutions such as cancer treatment centers, and renowned medical bodies like American Nutrition Society, which are conducting numerous research and studies on the health effects of our body’s pH,

And they prove that alkaline therapy is indeed a viable treatment for almost all diseases.

Documentation and proof of alkaline therapy curing virtually every disease we know of goes back to the late 1930s!

In 1931, a man named Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for work proving cancer is caused by excess acidity in the cells.

He states in his book “The Metabolism of Tumors” that all forms of cancer are characterized by two basic conditions: acidity and hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline.

Dr Warburg further said, “The cause of cancer is no longer a mystery. We know that occurs whenever any cell has a pH of less than 7.35.”

That was back in 1931!
Dr. Otto Warburg
won the Nobel Prize
Now, researchers and scientists are finally catching up and have done massive review of how our body pH affects diseases like osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, back pain, high blood pressure, acid reflux, obesity, lung disease, and even cancer.

And you don’t have to suffer from the side effects of destructive drugs and medications when you learn about how you can easily alkalize your body.

The truth behind curing any illness…

comes from keeping the fluids outside and inside of your cells alkaline, and strengthening healthy cells at the same time.

How Do You Actually Do That?

Great question. Now here’s the real answer.

Like I said, my name is Emma Deangela and with your permission,

I’d like to share with you the power of using alkaline foods in your diet to remove the acidity surrounding your cells and become disease-free.

When you master this simple concept, you’ll be astonished that something so simple can do so much — If you know how.

And I want to show you how and why your body is already a powerful healing machine, and how to wake up its natural disease-fighting ability,

giving you rapid energy and well-being moments after using it.

I’d also like to show you the easy way to make sure that your body’s cells are alkaline once again…
This is crucial because, as you know, cancer, diseases and illnesses thrive on acidity.

Once you start to use these simple methods to alkalize your body…

You can reverse life-threatening diseases like heart disease, clogged arteries, tumor growth, arthritis, alzheimer’s, asthma and even cancer.

And you can do so just from your own home...

Without having to pay for exorbitant treatments…

Without having to visit a specialist…

And without having to haggle for insurance…

Yet it’s so effective you can begin to see and feel the astonishing changes occur before your eyes. How?
By introducing you to a simple, easy-to-use system called The Alkaline Diet Program.

The “Alkaline Diet Program” is a simple program that teaches you how to alkalize your body by eating the right foods.

So you don’t just have to manage an illness you or your loved ones are suffering from...

The first manual in the program shows you the complete guidebook on the different minerals and nutrients that are responsible to keep your blood alkaline…

Once you start today, you can begin your road to dominant health or help someone you care about to end the suffering they are enduring right now.

Next, you’ll learn an exact regimen you can follow, that thousands have followed before you, to infuse alkalizing blood into your arteries 24 hours a day. Even as you sleep.

And how to keep it this way once your illnesses have vaporized out of your body.

You’ll discover exactly what kind of food you can add to your diet to boost the alkalizing effectiveness of your therapy. It’s like taking a Formula One race car and putting space shuttle fuel into its gas tank.

Here’s my promise to you…

When you follow the system and put it into action, you’ll be astounded by the results. You’ll stare in wonder at the reflection you see in the mirror.

Or when you look at a lab test that shows you are free of the illnesses you were suffering from.

Or when your doctor stands there, baffled, scratching his head saying, “This is not possible! you’re not supposed to be cured!”

Then humbly asking, “How did you do it?”

Now listen to this:
Here’s Al Choiniere from Utah
Hello Emma,

I purchased the Alkaline Program in October 2013 after being diagnosed with gout. My doctor wanted me to go on a medication however my wife wanted to do more research.

Besides gout, I had acid reflux, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and was overweight. After three months on the Alkaline Program which included Braggs every day along with a great alkaline lifestyle change for both my wife and I, I lost about 25lbs and started to notice my heartburn was gone. Three months later (total six months on the program) during my biannual doctor appointment, my doctor was impressed with the weight loss and my improved cholesterol numbers.

When I told him what I was doing he was skeptical and told me to stay on my medications which I did for the following six months. However after one year and a total 35lbs less, I returned to my doctor with even lower cholesterol and blood pressure. He told me what I was doing seems to work well for me and if I thought it was sustainable he would take me off some of my medications.

Two years later my weight has leveled off and my doctor has reduced and removed medications from my life. The gout has never returned after the initial diagnoses.

Like many others, my wife and I are saddened with all the family members and friends that have suffered with cancer. Cancer can’t survive in an alkaline environment so we will continue on with the Alkaline Diet and will share the results with every opportunity.

Here’s what Leah Gercak experienced:
I love the alkaline diet and wonder why I haven’t heard of it before.

A doctor at work told me about it. He is an oncologist and uses it to heal his patients. He told me a side effect of the diet was weight loss.

I have tried EVERYTHING under the sun to lose weight and to no avail. I read everything else and learned about it and how everything works.

I started the diet and lost 4.5 lbs the first week. My chronic acid reflux has decreased dramatically.

Since this is only my second week on the diet, I’m sure it will get even better.

The #1 benefit has been the immediate weight loss and I hope it continues, especially since NOTHING else has worked for me to this point....I was starting to consider bariatric surgery and really didn’t want to go that route.

My stomach was always bloated and I had acid reflux, gas and burping and I was always uncomfortable.

All that has gone away and I feel soooooooo much better. I have told everyone about this diet and how much better I feel and the weight loss. I even posted it on Facebook!!

Here’s Rosemary Anna:
In 2001 I woke up one morning and going from the bed to the bathroom I experienced pain in all my joints. After going to a rheumatologist I found out I had Rheumatoid Arthritis. I’ve been taking Methotrexate and for a year or so I had Rituxin infusions. I am now just on Methotrexate and doing quite well.

In 2006 I found a small lump in my lower abdomen and it turned out to be Ovarian Cancer. It was caught in its early stages (stage 1-C). I had 6 doses of chemo over 18 weeks and 9 years later my C-125 yearly blood tests have turned out within the healthy margins.

I was listening to the radio one day and heard a couple talking about the husband’s diagnosis of stomach cancer. When the doctors told them that the treatment was going to be chemo, the wife said “absolutely not”.

She told them that they weren’t to touch him with any treatments at all. She researched the alkaline way of eating and immediately put him on that diet. On one of his visits back to the doctors, his cancer was gone.

That certainly piqued my interest in possibly doing the same thing for myself, mainly because the chances of ovarian cancer (and most other cancers) returning is quite high.

I figured if I could starve the cancer, plus eating many of the foods that are cancer preventatives I might increase my chances of never having the cancer return.

That’s when I chanced upon your alkaline diet program.

I dropped 22 lbs. without even realizing it until my clothes were so big for me I had to buy smaller sizes so they would look like they fit. I went from size 10-12 to 4-6 and am loving the way my clothes look on me. I recently had a total knee replacement, my recovery was very quick and my range of motion was so good it surprised the doctors. I think a lot of that had to do with my weight loss and the condition I was in due to my diet.

That pretty much covers my story from 2001 - 2015. I will continue to eat healthy food but I still enjoy a glass of wine every evening and that would be hard to give up. That’s the time of day that is just for me, to sit down, watch TV and relax.

I’m feeling very good and think this way of eating has helped my RA and my energy level which is way up.

Thank you for this opportunity, Rosemary Anna
In a few minutes I’ll read more stories and testimonials to you. But the most important story I need is yours.

Just by itself, “The Alkaline Diet Program” will change your life forever. Even people who didn’t consider themselves sick or diseased saw immediate mental focus, calmness, energy, endurance and well-being.

But because I want to give you an unfair advantage,

and help you have the kind of full, exciting life you deserve, I’m also going to include the following alkaline kit:

You should pay attention, because this is truly groundbreaking.

When I was putting together The Alkaline Diet Program, I painstakingly research dozens of foods and ingredients and discovered the secret to alkalize your body through foods.

In this bonus, called The Alkaline Diet Recipes, I’m going to give you my favorite and extremely delicious recipes that you can prepare in your own home right away.

You can whip up these delicious meals in under 30 minutes, making it even easier to cleanse your body fluids and alkalize your body.
You’ll also receive the Quick Start Guide -
I know some days you are busy and don’t have the time to read the entire materials.

With the quick start guide, you get all of the basics you’ll need to get started in only 15 minutes.

You can follow this quick start guide before going through the entire Alkaline Diet Manual.

Next, the Alkaline Diet Success Journal -
It’s a proven fact that keeping a journal and logging your experience increases success rates and overall results exponentially.

Literally everyone I know who has made a dramatic change to their body has done this.

When you track what you’ve eaten in a journal, it’s almost guaranteed that you will succeed in The Alkaline Diet Program.

The Alkaline Diet Shopping Kit -
Overwhelmed whenever you walk down the supermarket aisle?

The Alkaline Diet Shopping Kit is specially designed to speed up your grocery shopping trips, so there’s no confusion on what to buy.

Now you can return home with healthy, wholesome, and alkalizing food for your entire family.

The extensive Acid Alkaline Food Chart -
Take all the guesswork out of your food selections with these printable Acid Alkaline Food Chart.

With this chart, you will be able to make informed choices over a large variety of foods and select more alkaline foods for your daily meals.

The Top 10 Nutrition Mistakes
A Comprehensive Guide to avoid common Weight Loss pitfalls.

I want to make sure you’re not making any of the same mistakes I see people making time and time again, and these 10 simple tips will make an immediate difference to your health and you’ll be wondering why you were never told these principles before.
So Let Me Just Ask You A Question…

How much is it worth to you to protect yourself and the people you love from the leading causes of deadly illnesses and diseases today?

To have the secret code that makes your body the kind that allows you and your loved ones to reap all the joy life has to offer...

and avoid spending the last decades of your life crippled by fear and dependent on drugs and medication?

How much would you pay to have the problem of an illness solved forever, to be able to provide for your family, your wife or husband, and your children without fear of illness?

If you’re still reading this, you’d pay a lot.

Well I got some really good news for you. The regular price of “The Alkaline Diet” program is just $97,

And every person who’s actually used the program tells me it is a total steal.

Why? Just Think About It For
A Second.

How many hundreds or thousands of
dollars have you spent in the past
trying to get over a cold, or the
flu? (not to mention on health

Or if you couldn’t use insurance,
how much did you spend on ridiculous
hospital bills that swindle you out of
$6 a pill?

How many ointments have you bought to get
rid of skin problems?

Or for aches and pains? Or to settle a sour stomach?

The fact is that the “The Alkaline Diet” program
has been proven again and again for over
half a century to work.

To give you the freedom to live the way you
were designed to live. The freedom to choose
and the freedom to be healthy.

Which should make a tiny, one time investment
of 97 bucks seem like a bargain. But you
know what?

I want to make this a totally easy decision
for you.

As we have recently surpassed our 10,000
customers goal, just for today only, I’m
going to hold a special sale where I discount
the program by a generous 30% and offer it
for just $69.97.

But because you’re getting it here early, if
you act right now,

I’ll let you have the “The Alkaline Diet Program”, plus The Alkaline Kit, for just $39.97.

I’ll let you have the
The Alkaline Diet Program
  The Alkaline Kit

Software requirements: You will need Adobe's free Acrobat Reader to view the ebook PDF files. You can download and install Reader by clicking here.

you’ll be able to download the entire program, go through the manual and start using these simple little tricks and techniques I give you as soon as possible with an ailment you’re suffering from.

Your children, your spouse and you will be able to see for yourself the incredible results you’ll get with “The Alkaline Diet Program”.

And there’s of course, my 100%, no questions asked guarantee.

So here’s how it works.

Order today and use the material.

If you aren’t blown away and if you don’t get incredible results, simply email me within 60 days for a complete refund. No fine print, No BS!

Listen, here’s the deal: The way I like to help people is I don’t believe I deserve your money, unless I get you results. I take a tremendous amount of pride in this product. It took a long time to put it together. I’ve talked to a lot of doctors, I’ve done a lot of research.
It Was Actually Life-Changing
For Me

And I’ve discovered there are simple techniques you can use to turn diseases and illnesses into a thing of the past.

I KNOW you’re going to get great results with this, which is why I am willing to give you such as a safe, no-questions-asked guarantee. You can feel completely safe today knowing that you’re protected.

And that when you do invest in “The Alkaline Diet Program” you will either get results, or you’ll get your money back. It’s that simple.

Now all you have to do to get started again is click the big “Add to Cart” button below and you’ll be able to get the “The Alkaline Diet Program” for the low price of just $39.97,

Plus... you’ll get the complete Alkaline Kit absolutely free.

I’m selling this program now for just $39.97 but only for a limited time only.

So you’ve got a really simple choice to make.

Option one is for you to do nothing.

Keep going the way you are now.

Keep being frustrated, and risk things getting worse, because you don’t take action right now.

Keep, you know, going on the Internet, trying one thing after another and just get more and more frustrated.

I can tell you from the testimonials you’ve seen already and more, that I will show you how a full, healthy and disease-free life can be yours.

I can tell you from the testimonials you’ve seen already, and more that I will show to you, how a full, healthy and disease-free life can be yours.

You see, your body wants to be healthy.

You just need to know how to open the door to raise your blood’s pH level for your cells to destroy any germ, infection or bacteria that is making you sick.

Then there’s Option number two .

You can take what you learn today and try it out yourself.

You can take the basic ideas I talked to you about alkaline therapy and what it means to your body and go out and use it for yourself or a loved one.

And you might get some decent results.

But wouldn’t you rather have a sure thing?

Wouldn’t you rather have a simple system that literally thousands of people around the world have already used? And have that in your corner, as you try to make this happen?

But of course there’s an option number three - risk nothing at all today!

Grab the “The Alkaline Diet Program” for just $39.97 right now!

Devour the material, put it into action...

And see how little it takes for you to get that incredible youthful feeling of strength and vitality again.

See how easy and inexpensive it is to rid yourself of something you felt cursed and controlled by.

Again all you have to do to get started is click the big, shiny, inviting “Add to Cart Button” below.

You’ll gain instant access to everything.

As soon as you hit “Add To Cart”,

…you’ll be able to get to a page where you can register and get the download links.

You Can Download The Entire “The Alkaline Diet” Program, Everything I’ve Promised You Here Instantly.
You can go through it in just a few minutes from now.

And you can get incredible results within a day or two!

It won’t take you very long to go through the material... but the results will last a lifetime.

Everything in this program is focused on giving you exactly what you need in order to get the kind of awesome, wonderful, healthy life and vitality you’ve always wanted.

And all you have to do to get what you want is click the
“Add to Cart button” below.

You’ll get great results like so many others have before you.

And if you’re worried… you don’t have to be.

You’re backed up by my 100% money back guarantee.

Listen, if you’re here… it’s because
you’re looking for a better way to
get rid of an illness.

Maybe it’s your illness or maybe
it’s someone else’s.

There’s nothing wrong with
wanting to be free of illnesses
and be as healthy as you can.

You just need help.

Even celebrities like Elle
Macpherson, Dr Oz, and Mark
Ruffalo have promoted the
miraculous results of staying

But what about everyday
regular people like you and
I’ll let you have the
The Alkaline Diet Program
  The Alkaline Kit

Software requirements: You will need Adobe's free Acrobat Reader to view the ebook PDF files. You can download and install Reader by clicking here.

Here Are Some Of The Many Stories
Of Miraculous Healing When They Follow The Alkaline Diet Program.

Joe says:
I would like to report to you that I have not yet finished reading the whole alkaline diet information, however i am happy to report that i took the quick start information to heart and began my diet.

Since starting my diet, which i started on April 1, 2015, i have lost 16 lbs.(246 to 230) and I feel much better than I did before.

My big belly is going down and I hope to reduce it even more in the future.

I am a retired disabled vet and i am unable to do strenuous physical conditioning. I hope to lose more weight so that i might start walking again.

I am amazed at how well this diet is working for me. I haven’t tested my ph level, but hoping to in the near future. I will keep you informed as to my progress. Thank you

Then there’s Darlene who wrote…
In November 2010, I had a rash start on top of my hands. In a few days it was cotton ball size up my arms. The more I doctored with many “try this” remedies, the more my arms were burned. It ended up as a chemical burn, not only on my hands & arms but on my neck and half my face and 1 ear. My boss finally told me I had to go to a doctor.

I went to the doctor. She had me use amoxycillan, prednesone, silver oxide cream, domborro wash, and oatmeal bath for soothing. The only thing I kept was the oatmeal bath. After 8 days I flushed the medicine down the pot. There was no help from it. I did get cold sores on my lips, a chest cold, and u tract infection.

In January 2011, I went to the health food store and was greeted by a retired doctor visiting the owner. Both men looked at each other and shook their heads, yes. The older doctor proceeded to tell me I had too much acid in my body, my ph was off. He told me to go on an alkaline diet.

Anyway, I was on my way to find the Alkaline program. That is when I found your site.

You wrote me several letters which were gold to me. I was encouraged with the time-line you shared for your healing. That gave me much hope and I could tell the people wanting me to go to other doctors to wait and we’ll see what happens. The harassing was almost unbearable at times.

I knew going to another doctor was not the answer for me. After 2 weeks on your program the swelling was going and we could see “daylight” in between the red. My face and neck were almost completely healed. My ear was still swollen but on its way toward healing. The nay-sayers were paying attention.

I was still doing the Alkaline program and adding Epsom salts in my bath. My arms and hands were healing.

It is now the end of May. I am healed. I’ve lost almost 30 lbs. as a bonus. I had much prayer from many friends through this adventure.

I am still doing the Alkaline diet. I feel great. The best part is the response from people who wanted me to go to the doctor. They are speechless. I have no side effects, I’m not addicted to any medicine. It has been a miracle in the making here. Many of them still shake their head and tell me they would have been at the doctor’s first thing. I told them I wanted to be well, not just get rid of a symptom.

Thank you, Emma.
I think in this presentation I’ve shown you enough of how effective this material is.

If you’ve watched this far it shows me how committed you are to finding answers.

And all you have to do is click the “Add to Cart” button below.

You’ll get everything tonight.

And you’ll be able to find out for yourself if the “The Alkaline Diet” program is everything so many others are saying it is.

I’m personally extremely confident.

Why? Because I’ve seen it worked.

It has worked for me.

And it’s worked for every single person I’ve shown this to personally.

And the vast majority of folks who buy “The Alkaline Diet” program and put it into effect in their own lives literally do have fantastic results.

I want you to have those results as well.

And all you have to do is click the “Add to Cart” button below.

Download “The Alkaline Diet” program, start going through it.

Start using it in your own life.

And experience those results for yourself.

Again I’m Emma Deangela. Thank you so much for spending your time with me.

I can’t wait to hear about your success.

If you’re still here, you probably have some questions.
The Most Common Ones My Clients Asked Me Are:

How exactly does The Alkaline Diet work?
It is just a matter of identifying the SOURCE of the problem and addressing the SOURCE. NOT putting a “band-aid” on a symptom. The Alkaline Diet does exactly that: addresses the SOURCE. Two-time Nobel Prize-winning doctor, Otto Warburg, shocked the world when he revealed that most illnesses are caused by acidic blood in the body. The natural alkalizing therapies described in The Alkaline Diet are able to give your immune system the one thing it needs before anything else to do what it was designed to do… TO PROTECT YOU. TO KEEP YOU WELL.

Is The Alkaline Diet available in bookstores?
Unfortunately, no, it’s not currently available in bookstores. I’m making it digital so you can have it wherever you go.

So you can read it on your computer, or on your mobile device, or wherever. Just like I care about finding a natural solution to health… I also want to protect the environment and save a few trees.

How long do I have to wait before I start feeling a difference?
It’s hard to tell. It really depends on your current health and how diligent you are in following the advice and steps in detail. Although we’ve seen improvements overnight, it might take longer depending on how long you’ve struggled with what you’re currently dealing with. The only real way for you to see if it will work very fast for you is to start using it as soon as possible.

When will my Alkaline Diet Program and bonus be delivered to me?
Instantly. Here’s why…

First, I wanted to ensure that you didn’t have to put off the hope and enthusiasm you’re feeling now by waiting a week or more. I made sure everything was delivered right to your inbox. All of it is easily downloaded with a click of your mouse. They can be read on any device, a Mac, PC, or even a tablet or smartphone. This makes it simple to stay consistent, because you’re a click away from getting your copy of The Alkaline Diet Program and Alkaline Kit.

Finally, we want to save you money so we cut out any shipping expense. We’ll take you immediately to the member’s downloads area the second you complete your order today. Plus, we’ll send you an email to follow up with you and ensure you have everything you need.

Can I get absolute assurance that I’ll get results?
I assure you of this… You’ll either see results or you pay nothing at all. You’re given 60 days to see the results you desire. It’s really that simple. The reality is simple. Those who see the best results open the books and then follow the simple guidelines. They do this consistently and of course they become our best success story.

However, nothing on earth will ever work for you unless you work with it first. That’s only fair, correct? The great news is, even if you never open the book (and I really hope that isn’t the case)... you can still receive every penny back. I’m that confident that you will open the book, start using it, get results and love it.

Are there any weird foods I can only get at super-expensive grocery stores?
Not at all. There are no expensive devices to buy… no drugs… no side effects.

What if I change my mind about the Alkaline Diet program? How do I get my full refund?
But, in the event that you’re not 100% satisfied — for whatever reason — simply email us and let us know. You can keep everything you’ve received… and get a full refund for the next 60 days, no questions asked.

Again, there’s no time like the present to get started. Every day you waste is another day of superior health you could have enjoyed. So I urge you. Act right now. Click the button below right now. And let’s take this journey together.