Dear Health-Conscious Friend,

A nutritional Alkaline Diet is not only one of the most well-known ‘revitalizing’ secrets of celebrities and Hollywood stars (such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Kristen Dunst, Rachael Ray and many others), it is also a formula that has the potential of giving you what you’re looking for: renewed vigor, stronger immune system, slim body and even beautiful skin.

Which means you’ll enjoy incredible health and beautiful body that you deserve! No longer you will be sick and tired of digestive disorder problems, heart burn or acid reflux and other chronic diseases!

If you’re thinking about embarkng on the Alkaline Diet, take a moment to read this important letter...

My name is Emma Deangela and I’ve been helping thousands of people just like you lose excessive weight - 10, 20 and even 30 pounds while dramatically improving their health and vitality in as little as 30 days with alkaline diet nutritional guidelines and principles discussed in my alkaline diet course. I’ve been in your shoes and I know what it’s like to feel sick and tired of poor health, feeling lethargic and a little obese. However, I met a person and it totally changed my life. That’s what I’m going to share with you today.

But first... How does Alkaline Diet benefit your health?

"Your health depends on an alkaline environment, created by eating foods such as tomatoes, avocados and green vegetables...striking the optimum 80/20 balance ...through simple changes in diet can result in weight loss, increased stamina and strength,a stronger immune system and a greater sense of wellbeing."

Experience so much more energy in your life.

Many people feel tired, exhausted and sleepy all the time, and they blame it on the aging process.

Ask yourself this question: Do you feel energized after your meals? Or do you feel bloated, exhausted and sleepy? Now, you can discover how to gain boundless energy...

Cure digestive disorders, acid reflux, heartburn naturally and holistically.

Digestive disorders, acid reflux and heartburn can never be cured by just tackling only one of the numerous factors responsible for the disease. If you’ve ever tried to cure your heartburn using a one-dimensional treatment like prescription pills, antacids or even detox diets, and failed - it’s probably because you addressed only one aspect of the disease. Our system will show you how to naturally cure these problems for good - the holistic way.

Balance your acid alkaline level.

The food you eat and the lifestyle you lead determine your well-being. If there is too much acidity in your body, and this condition is prolonged, you will suffer health complications as you age. You will discover how you can avoid many illnesses and diseases by using our holistic and natural methodology.

In Nov 2010 I had a rash start on top of my hands. In a few days it was cotton ball size up my arms. The more I doctored with many “try this” remedies, the more my arms were burned. It ended up as a chemical burn, not only on my hands & arms but on my neck and half my face and 1 ear.

After 2 weeks on your program the swelling was going and we could see “daylight” in between the red. My face and neck were almost completely

healed. My ear was still swollen but on its way toward healing. The nay-sayers were paying attention. I was still doing the Alkaline program and adding baths in Epsom salts my arms and hands were healing.

It is now the end of May. I am healed. I’ve lost almost 30 lbs as a bonus.

The best part is the response from people who wanted me to go to the doctor. They are speechless. I have no side effects, I’m not addicted to any medicine. It has been a miracle in the making here. Many of them still shake their head and tell me they would have been at the doctors first thing. I told them I wanted to be well, not just get rid of a symptom.

Thank you, Emma.

- Darlene Drake

I’ve been dealing with the natural health industry as a health and dieting researcher, health magazine writer and also the author of several best selling natural dieting and healthbooks and hundreds of articles for more than 6 years. In fact, I am extremely passionate in natural and holistic health as well as helping others to achieve optimum health.

But, I was totally different in the past..

My life was in a total mess. Ever since I was young, digestive disorders plagued me. I would burp all the time and constantly feel bloated - I just had so much gas. On top of that, I would often feel tired, exhausted, and lethargic.

The hospital had become a frequent destination of my life. All the money I earned was used for my medical bills - I was sick and tired of my poor health and I wanted to find something that would make me feel better. It was then I realized money can’t buy health..

"Your health depends on an alkaline environment, created by eating foods such as tomatoes, avocados and green vegetables...striking the optimum 80/20 balance ...through simple changes in diet can result in weight loss, increased stamina and strength,a stronger immune system and a greater sense of wellbeing."

Alternative medicine and holistic health became my obsessions. I wanted to know everything out there about how to be healthy and be free of illnesses and disease. I went to alternative medicine courses and spent hours in the library on the stacks of books, journals and magazines about holistic medicine. In fact, I have read hundreds of medicine books from cover to cover.

I have interviewed countless doctors, nutritionists and dietitians who were kind enough to share their expertise and knowledge..

You won’t believe how crazy I was when I went to try out all of the following...

Herbal remedies, detox diets, alkaline water, aromatherapy, reflexology, medications, enemas, peppermint tea, cellfood oxygen, Wu-Yi tea and even the acai berry diet.

The majority of the above treatments and so called cures either made my digestive disorder worse, worked only short term or simply didn’t have any effect what so ever on my health condition.

I was about to give up...

Then one day, I decided to give my health one last try and go on a trip to the valley of Hunza where the locals are some of the healthiest people I’ve ever met and they live well over 100 years old. I was fascinated by their good health and youthfulness.

I bumped into an angelic lady whom I shall call Theresa (she prefers to remain anonymous).
My first impression of Theresa was that of a baby boomer who had

just retired. She kept her youth so well that nobody is able to tell her real age. She was as fit as a fiddle and she could easily carry a 4 or 5 year old child in her arms.

In fact, I could not believe it when she first told me she was 87 years old.

I was so astonished by Theresa’s age that I begged her to reveal the secrets to her excellent health and youth. She was truly an angel and did not hesitate to do so.

If there is anything you would want to remember from this letter, it is this: Regardless of the amount of drugs, supplements, nutritional products, or vitamins that you put into your mouth, if you do not eat the right way and do not balance the acidity level of your body, you can never truly be healthy.

She emphasized that in today’s society, the foods that we think are healthy, are the main culprits which cause our organs to malfunction and eventually leading to a complete breakdown which then affects the rest of the body, which would later lead to illnesses and diseases.

When people are striken with illnesses, cancers and diseases, they wonder why they have suddenly become so unlucky. But it is actually the foods that we eat on a daily basis that cause huge loads of toxins and waste to accumulate in our body. She also explained that the everyday diet we eat is acid-producing. Acid is produced in our stomach when we digest food. When too much acid is produced, our blood thickens and thus, moves more slowly through our blood stream, robbing the body of oxygen. It is almost for certain that your body is overly acidic if you find it difficult to keep yourself awake after a meal. After hearing this, I thought the answer was simply, to eat more alkaline foods.

But I was only partially right..

Theresa corrected me - ‘Eating alkaline food is just one part of the equation,’ she said. The other part is - knowing what food to eat, how to eat the food, and when to eat the food.

What she shared really hit me home and I finally saw a glimpse of hope in my health. I decided to trust Theresa and asked if I could stay with her for a month.

"Your health depends on an alkaline environment, created by eating foods such as tomatoes, avocados and green vegetables...striking the optimum 80/20 balance ...through simple changes in diet can result in weight loss, increased stamina and strength,a stronger immune system and a greater sense of wellbeing."

3 weeks later...

I could not believe how my body had transformed. I could feel this new surge of energy in my body every day, and my digestive disorders were gone. No more burping, bloating and gas. All my pains and aches had completely vanished too. I could feel that my immune system was stronger!

I thanked Theresa from the bottom of my heart for her time before I left the organic village. I still continue with the alkaline diet, with only small changes made to the food and lifestyle. But nothing drastic. All I did was to add more variety of food to my diet and I feel better and better each day.

As I was doing the alkaline diet, I made a stunning revelation..

If you were to put the same things we have put into our bodies into any animal on this planet, they will not be able to survive. Even the indigenous people become deathly ill when they adopt the “Western” diet.

Unlike other diets, alkaline diet is a highly flexible diet that does not require you to count calories, carbs, fats, proteins, or anything like that and did not have to give up most of your favourite food like chicken, fish or eggs. It was as simple as knowing what to eat at the right time.

In fact, after keeping with the alkaline diet, my taste buds are revived. You can enjoy the natural taste of the food. You can pass on the unhealthy artificial flavorings, sweeteners and salt.
You’ll be charged up and bursting with energy!

With all that can be had by embarking on the alkaline diet you’re probably wondering what the catch is. The truth is the original alkaline diet was absolutely too complicated to follow or understand, most people don’t know how to start the alkaline diet.

But a lot has changed in the past 20 years, and now you don’t have to suffer with the old way of doing the alkaline diet.

With painstaking research over thousands of health, dieting, and fitness books, I’ve compiled and developed a natural and holistic way to solve not only digestive disorders, but also related diseases like obesity and heartburn. My Alkaline Diet Newsletter is currently read by over 17,004 amazing people (last updated on 21th June 2011) who are passionate about their health.

Every day my inbox rings with heart felt letter of gratitude from people who’ve experienced miraculous results with the Alkaline Diet even when conventional medicine, weight loss pills, supplements and other natural remedies failed them.

But my newsletter subscribers don’t always send words of praise. In fact the one thing I received more than anything is... questions... lots and lots of questions about how to do the Alkaline diet and make it more effective.

They ask...

My pH levels are crazy - I’ve been trying to stay alkaline by eating more alkaline foods, but my pH remains around 6.5, what am I doing wrongly? How can I use the Alkaline Diet to lose weight? I’m feeling lethargic and tired every day, what can I eat or do to feel more energy? I’ve been suffering from acid reflux and the medicine prescribed to me gave me painful cramps, is there any way to naturally cure it? Is the alkaline diet all about plants and green? I can’t stand the green foods, how else can I stay alkaline? I understand what they’re going through, there are so many different alkaline principles and guidelines and most of you don’t know how to get past these roadblocks preventing you from experiencing all the Alkaline Diet has to offer.

With Theresa’s help and 6 years of intensive research, I’ve developed an entire Alkaline Diet ecourse I want to share them all with you.

Here’s what you’re about to discover...

the Alkaline Diet Manual is the complete fully detailed manual that contains everything you need to know to follow, implement and succeed in the Alkaline Diet program.

The manual will tell you what to eat, what to do, when to eat, how to eat, detailed food list, meals analysis, and exactly how to alkalize your body with your diet.

$47 Value

I know some days you are busy and don’t have the time to read the entire materials. With the quick start guide, only 15 minutes is required to get started on your new dietary plan right away. After using this guide, many people lost more than 10 - 15 pounds of fats and transformed their health and body. It has been simplified to make it easy for you to use immediately.

$47 Value

With this shopping guide, you’ll save hours and hours of time planning for your daily meals - giving you more convenience when you go for your weekly shopping.

This guide contains all the alkaline foods that you should buy in a weekly basis to ensure that you consume all the necessary nutrients and minerals for a healthy and great body.

$47 Value

When you keep a journal while on a diet, it is almost guaranteed that you will succeed in the diet. It was especially helpful for me in the beginning stages of my alkaline diet in keeping track of my daily progress and results. It also held me accountable to myself.

More importantly, the journal contains 4 important alkaline questions that you need to ask yourself everyday to ensure that you are moving towards your goals.

$47 Value

These 18 alkaline recipes are some of the natural and delicious recipes that can boost your alkalinity and energy to an incredible level.

These are mouth-watering and tasty foods that you can prepare for yourself and your family in a fuss-free manner, anytime of the day with our range of different alkaline meals. Indulge in life’s simplest pleasures of attaining the healthiness you want from alkaline cuisines.

$47 Value

This food chart shows you the acid/alkaline effect of each food on your body. You will see the acid alkaline classification each individual food brings about in your body, and not get confused over it.

With this chart, you will be able to easily distinguish the alkaline and acidic foods and make informed choices over a large variety of foods for your daily meals.

$47 Value

These meal plans will not only show you examples of what you need to eat, but it also has an incredible amount of meal variety and I’ve concocted different cuisines meal plans like Mediterranean, Italian, western and even Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

$29 Value
Your emotions are linked together with your body. These 3 tracks can help you relieve stress, relax your mind and sleep deeper in the night. These music tracks are specially engineered for better relaxation and meditation. Just spending a few minutes of time listening to these tracks and you’ll experience deep calmness and quiet happiness each day.

$29 Value

Picture in your mind that you will be go through every day of your life with more energy and vitality. Imagine having the body and health of your dreams. Imagine all the digestive disorders and digestion problems will all vanish and your body would naturally slim down into the pefectly size just like what you always dream of...

The cost for this entire Alkaline Diet course is less than the cost of continuously going to the doctor over and over again, or even the endless prescription drugs! Medications and drugs only relieve your health problems long enough before all the health problems start coming back again with a vengence.

And here’s the thing...

Since there are no printing costs for downloading the course and mp3s, you can get this entire alkaline diet package for much less than it would cost if I am going to send you the entire package containing the books and the CDs (at least $199 to ship the entire course to anywhere in the world). AND the best thing is you can get it right at this very moment (no waiting for shipping or snail mail!). If you want the entire package to be sent to you be mail, please drop us email so we can arrange for you to purchase it at $199.
Instead of the usual price of $199, you can get this life-transforming alkaline diet course at a promotional price of only $39.97!

Once this promotional period of $39.97 is over, you can only get the entire alkaline diet course at $87. Due to the overwhelming response over the last 6 months since the initial launch, I am discussing with the entire management team to upgrade the entire course to cost at least a $297.

Honestly ask yourself the question above for a moment. Where were you and is there any difference in your health for the past year? Where will your health end up at and how will you feel 1 year later? If you have an unhealthy lifestyle and the health problems accumulate, where will you be 10 years from now?

I’ve been through this and understand pretty well about how we think. You might not feel comfortable of buying something on the internet and you are not sure whether it will work for you. I understand that because I’ve been in your position too. But I also realized that it is possible to take the chance and try it out, otherwise, you will miss the opportunity to a great health and a healthy body.

On top of that, you can rest assured because...

Honestly ask yourself the question above for a moment. Where were you and is there any difference in your health for the past year? Where will your health end up at and how will you feel 1 year later? If you have an unhealthy lifestyle and the health problems accumulate, where will you be 10 years from now?

I’ve been through this and understand pretty well about how we think. You might not feel comfortable of buying something on the internet and you are not sure whether it will work for you. I understand that because I’ve been in your position too. But I also realized that it is possible to take the chance and try it out, otherwise, you will miss the opportunity to a great health and a healthy body.

On top of that, you can rest assured because...

I love the alkaline diet and wonder why I haven’t heard of it before. A doctor at work told me about it. He is an oncologist and uses it to heal his patients. He told me a side effect of the diet was weight loss. I have tried EVERYTHING under the sun to lose weight and
to no avail.

So I googled Alkaline Diet and found YOU! I purchased the program and learned about it and how everything works. I started the diet and lost 4.5 lbs the first week. My chronic acid reflux has decreased dramatically. Since this is only my second week on the diet, I’m sure it will get even better. I haven’t been on it long enough to notice a lot of other improvements yet, but I’m sure they will come.

The #1 benefit has been the immediate weight loss and I hope it continues, especially since NOTHING else has worked for me to this point....I was starting to consider bariatric surgery and really didn’t want to go that route. My stomach was always bloated and I had acid reflux, gas and burping and I was always uncomfortable. All that has gone away and I feel soooooooo much better. I have told everyone about this diet and how much better I feel and the weight loss. I even posted it on Facebook!!

- Leah Gercak

As soon as you order and pay for the package on Clickbank’s secure server, you will be directed to the download page, where you can download your entire Alkaline Diet package and get started IMMEDIATELY. The entire package is in PDF and mp3 format, which can be viewed on any computer (PC or MAC). You can read it on your computer screen or you can even print out your own hard copy.

To A Great Health,

Emma Deangela

P.S. Remember, your purchase is backed by a 60 day Money Back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with the Alkaline Diet for any reason, simply send me an email within 60 days and I’ll refund your money immediately. The risk is completely on us... so order right now! You can also try out the 7-Day Trial and only pay the norminal $4.95 processing fees. Click Here For The 7-Day Trial.

P.P.S. When you order today, you’re going to get the complete, step-by-step instruction guide to give you the easiest and most effective Alkaline Diet in existence. So order right now while you’re thinking about it!