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Your Body Acidity Assessment Report

Created for: Nancy
Date created: 2015-10-04 20:12:34
Assessment ID: 5611c046193fe
Link to assessment:

Section 1: Your current diet & state of health

Part 1, you indicated with your responses that you experience...

- Acid Reflux
- High Cholesterol
- Arthritis
- Diabetes
- Clear or slightly yellow colored urine
- I feel tired most of the time
- Frequent Sore Throat
- I have frequent periods of nausea or excessive gas
- I often suffer from stomach ache
- I often suffer from diarrhea
- I have difficulties moving my bowels daily

Now here are my thoughts based on the information you provided...

Based on the responses, your current body's pH level is highly acidic. The fact that you are suffering from Acid Reflux, High Cholesterol, Arthritis & Diabetes tells you that you need to pay serious attention to your diet and lifestyle. These are lifestyle diseases which can be halted or even reversed by alkalizing your body.

When your pH level is highly acidic, not only will your body tend to gain weight and fats easily, but your health can be in jeopardy.

The responses you have indicated are just a few of the symptoms of someone who has an highly acidic pH level. And you can say that obesity is also one of the leading symptoms of an acidic body.

In addition, based on your response, your digestive system might not be functioning at an optimal level. It might seem like a minor health issue, but the truth is your digestive system is extremely important for your health and even weight loss. The digestive system helps to break down the food we eat so that the nutrients can be absorbed into our bodies.

Digestive problems like nausea or excessive gas, stomach ache, diarrhea & constipation are symptoms that indicate you should take care of your digestive system. Besides cutting down on alcohol, caffeine and sugary drink like soda, you should also watch your diet.

How pH Works and Why It Matters?
You see, the pH of your blood is tightly regulated by a complex buffering system, to keep it at a range of 7.35 to 7.45.

When excess acidity enters your body, the buffering system will regulate the blood's pH level by borrowing minerals from vital organs. Minerals including calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium.

At first, excess acidity may not show visible signs for a few years, but after borrowing large amounts of minerals from your vital organs, it will weaken your body and you will notice your health deteroriate faster as you age.

Having an acidic body will cause an increase in free radicals in your body. Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms with an odd (unpaired) number of electrons and can be formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules.

The chief danger comes from the damage when free radicals react with important cellular components such as DNA, or the cell membrane. Cells may function poorly or die if this occurs. Free radicals are also molecules responsible for aging and tissue damage.

Section 2: What can I do to improve my health, alkalize my body, and have more energy?

Nancy, you indicated with your responses that...

- I have frequent periods of nausea or excessive gas
- I often suffer from stomach ache
- I often suffer from diarrhea
- I have difficulties moving my bowels daily
- I suffered from skin allergies such as eczema, hives, and/or rashes
- I’m aging faster than my friends who are of the same age
- My skin usually feels dry and dehydrated
- I suffer from frequent aches and pains
- I suffer from excessive hair loss

Now here are my thoughts based on the information you provided...

Firstly, as you are suffering from frequent aches and pains, aging issues, skin allergies, hair loss problems & dry and dehydrated skin, your diet might be deprived of the essential nutrients which is important to alkalize your body and lose weight naturally.

You indicated that you are aging faster than your friends & your skin feels dry and dehydrated, which are signs that your body lacks essential antioxidants - that are responsible for fighting dangerous and harmful free radicals.

Skin conditions like eczema, hives, and/or rashes are usually caused by eating certain acidic foods in your diet and having a deficiency in certain vitamins and minerals. When you remove these acidic foods in your diet and alkalize your body with proper diet and nutrition, you’ll gradually find yourself recovering from these skin conditions.

Including rich and natural antioxidant foods every day can be very beneficial to your body. Antioxidants are nature's way of fighting off dangerous free radicals in your body. Even though some fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, the true abundant sources of antioxidants are only found in certain rare superfoods.

As you are not consuming at least 3 servings of vegetables a day, your body may lack rich phytonutrients and antioxidants that rejuvenate your cells and strengthen your body.

If you are looking for a rich source of antioxidants and a wide variety of essential nutrients that your body requires to enhance your health, rejuvenate your cells, and even reverse aging, you can read more about the research done by a chief nutritionist, Laura Lindsey, on the 5 'Weird' Foods that Your Body Is Starving For.

These 5 weird foods will ensure that you have adequate nutrients even if you consume less than 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

Section 3: Here’s what you should do next -

1) You can start recording down the foods you have eaten, starting from yesterday and today - your breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner. Categorize into vegetables, fruits, grains, meat, condiments, drinks, nuts and seeds, sweeteners and fats.

2) I would highly recommend including this 5 superfoods in your diet for better health and body - 5 Superfoods that Alkalize Your Body, Accelerate Your Fat Loss and Boost Your Immune System...

3) Check your email as we are going to send you more information-packed Alkaline Newsletters and tips to lose weight naturally and alkalize your body!

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My best wishes to your health,
Emma Deangela